速報APP / 地圖與導航 / Hudsonlink GoMobile

Hudsonlink GoMobile



檔案大小:76.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Hudsonlink GoMobile(圖1)-速報App

With Hudsonlink GoMobile, you can buy your bus right on your phone. The official Hudsonlink GoMobile app is like having a vending machine in your pocket. No need to carry a pass or fumble for change, GoMobile will revolutionize your Hudsonlink bus experience!

With GoMobile, you can quickly and easily purchase Hudsonlink bus passes, check schedules, receive service alerts, route maps and more! Purchasing your pass is easy: select your pass type, enter payment information, and you’re ready to go. To pay your fare, all you have to do is tap to use a pass and then show your phone to the driver. You can also easily store passes for future use.

GoMobile Benefits:

• Buy your passes anytime, anywhere

Hudsonlink GoMobile(圖2)-速報App

• No need to find a pass reseller or vending machine to pay your fare

• No need to carry exact change for every trip

• Store passes on your phone for future use

• Never lose your pass – passes can be easily transferred if your phone is lost or stolen

Hudsonlink GoMobile(圖3)-速報App

• Check service alerts, schedules, route maps and more

Hudsonlink GoMobile(圖4)-速報App
